
By using highly computerized and unified business network system, we have materialized to minimize the distribution costs.

Logistic Division

By combining people, products and information, we promise distribution quality with high accuracy.

Byusing TOP’S 21, OHKIgroup is controlling the merchandising flow between GDC(General Distribution Center), located nationwide and FDC( Front Distribution Center), located near to our customer’s distribution center. In FDC, based on the simplified but updated PC system, we have materialized the lowest possible distribution cost. With the upgraded operation system, OHKI establishes high-technology centers in short period of time as well as instant reply to any kinds of request from our customers.
Recently, OHKI established CLC( Central Logistic Center) for adopting the demands mainly by ID Division (having a huge range of products), making it possible to challenge towards new category, "demand creating" type of intermediate distruibutor.

HokkaidoclchiroshimaOsakaShikokuNagoyaKanagawaHokuriku Osaka Daini Kyusyuu Saitama HQ Kyusyuu Kanagawa Shin Tokyo
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Features of the Central Logistic Center

・Warehouse for Nursing- Care division
・Warehouse for ID(Independent Drugstore) division
・Warehouse for C&V(Cosmetics & Variety) division
・Distribution Center for Subsidiary Companies
・War ehouse for items targeted for distributor’s inventory efficiency



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